The name of our student ministry is Nexus, which means “a connection.” We strive for our youth group to be a safe and welcoming environment for students to connect with God and other believers their age. Nexus is a place where teenagers can ask important questions, discuss challenging topics, and explore the complexities of who God made them to be. Services are on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30, and the youth room is open from 5:30-8 pm for students to hang out before and after service.
During weekly services, our goal is to offer students a foundational understanding of God and His love for them, but ministry doesn’t just happen on Wednesday nights. Our youth pastor, Savannah, is also passionate about walking alongside teenagers through everything that they face in daily life. Her goal for Nexus is to create a community and a culture where students can feel accepted, make friends, and learn and grow together. Our youth group will often support each other at school performances and competitions, gather for monthly hangouts and attend state-wide youth events.
Nexus is open to all teenagers 7th grade and up, and we would love to see you at our next service or event! To see some of the things that Nexus has been up to, check us out on Facebook @NexusYouthMinistries